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Robert Hood engages in a strange and ancient ritual
which involves shoving cream cake
up your nose.
He is a much published writer of horror and crime stories for adults, and was recently described as "one of this country's leading horror authors" (Aurealis magazine) and "not only one of Australia's finest writers of horror but the equal to anyone in the world who writes horror" (Chris Masters, chief editor of Fiendish Press). Masters added: "To say that Robert Hood is one of the most respected genre writers in Australia is not an understatement by any means".
Hood has had over 60 short stories published in leading magazines and journals, both in Australia and overseas. His work regularly appears in horror and crime anthologies, such as Allen & Unwin's Crimes For A Summer Christmas series (most recently Moonlight Becomes You. Crimes for Summer, edited by Jean Bedford), and the outré anthology Strange Fruit (ed. Paul Collins, Penguin, 1995). He has had stories in the prestigious Dark Voices series (Pan, UK), in Hodder's groundbreaking collection of Australian horror stories, Terror Australis (edited by Leigh Blackmore) and in The Year's Best Horror XIX (ed. Karl Wagner, DAW, US), as well as having stories listed as Recommended Reading in Windling and Datlow's annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror anthologies.
His collection of horror/fantasy tales, Day-dreaming on Company Time (Five Islands Press, 1988) was runner-up for Best Collection by a Single Author in the 1990 Readercon Imaginative Fiction Awards (US). He has also won several major Australian short story awards, including the Australian Golden Dagger Award for Short Mystery Fiction.
He co-edited the anthology Crosstown Traffic with Stuart Coupe and Julie Ogden (FIP) and, with Bill Congreve, the first in a planned annual series for Mirrordanse Press, Bonescribes. Best Australian Horror Stories 1995.
A short collection of his own horror stories, Bad Behaviour, is due out from Fiendish Press sometime soon. Bambada Press will also be publishing a short horror novel in the future. Rob is currently revising his dark fantasy novel Fragments of a Broken Land and completing work on an adult horror novel called Dead Matter.
And, of course, writing lots more CREEPERS books!
Rob's stories have been mostly adult crime and horror/fantasy, but he has also written stories and several humorous plays for children, two secondary English textbooks, an opera libretto, a song about lost love and Godzilla, and a number of adult stageplays, including satirical/humorous ones with Bill Condon. He has contributed a weekly editorial cartoon to the Liverpool Leader for about ten years.He works as a publications officer for the Department of Economics at the University of Wollongong.
He also has a passion for horror movies. "W-w-watches far t-too m-many of th-them," his cat Harlequin commented, having developed a nervous tick from sleeping on Rob's lap while the latter watches videos.Meanwhile Rob's 15-year-old son Luke sleeps with a supply of garlic, sharpened stakes and silver bullets on hand, just in case.
Revised: 10 September 1996
Direct comments and questions to:
TINOTS: r.hood@uow.edu.au