Hood was born on the 24th of July, 1951, in Rydalmere,
NSW. He attended Rydalmere Primary School, and then
-- when his family moved to Sydney's northern beaches
in the 1960s -- Collaroy Plateau Primary School.
the time he reached high school, he had developed a
taste for weird movies. In his first year at Narrabeen
Boys' High School, he wrote an assignment on H.G. Wells'
War of the Worlds. He became obsessed with science
fiction and fantasy stories, but read anything he could
get his hands on. It's said that his classroom compositions
became progressively longer and weirder. Moreover, he
decorated the front of his class books with pictures
of the classic monsters -- Frankenstein's monster, Dracula,
the Creature from the Black Lagoon, the Mummy, etc.
The fact that these irrelevant to the subject matter
of the books was neither here nor there.
1970, Rob began studying for his degree in Eng. Lit.
and to be an English teacher. He attended Macquarie
University, where he wrote a non-autobiographical story
about a madman taking over the world and, encouraged
by his tutor, Thea Astley, submitted it to ABC Radio.
'Caesar or Nothing' was his first professional
sale, broadcast on 28th of February, 1975; but it wasn't
until he left teaching ten years later that he really
started to produce and sell stories regularly. In 1975
he won the Canberra Times National Short Story competition,
and the Australian Golden Dagger Award in 1988. In both
2000 and 2001 he was shortlisted for the Aurealis Award
for Best Horror Short Story.
has worked as a dishwasher, radio comedy writer, co-DJ
of a radio show, journalist, research assistant, creative
writing teacher and magazine editor. He's directed plays
for amateur theatre (the most spectacular being an elaborate
version of Twelfth Night, and his best a production
of Ron Blair's President Wilson in Paris), helped
establish a small-press publishing company, and played
drums in two rock bands.
now has well over 100 stories published, as well as two collections
of his own work, several novels and a heap of kid's
books. He's appeared in Karl Edward Wagner's Year's
Best Horror, and has been nominated for several
awards, including a Readercon award for best collection,
as well as the Ditmar and Aurealis awards. He has won two Atheling Awards for Genre Criticism.
2001, he published four novels -- these are the supernatural
young adult series, Shades.
In these books, Rob creates an original mythology involving
a dark world that touches our world of light wherever
there are shadows. They are ghosts stories in a way
-- but ghost stories with a difference. And adults can
enjoy them, too.
in 2001, just for the variety (and the money), he co-authored
with David Young a vampire-oriented, text-based interactive
game, designed to be played via mobile phone networks.
It was, he says, an interesting experience. Check his
bibliography for publications
that feature his most recent stories. His collection
of ghost stories,
Immaterial, was published in June 2002 by
MirrorDanse Books. It brings together many of his strangest
and creepiest stories, both old and new. Another collection
is in the works. During 2004-2007 he edited (with Robin
Pen) three anthologies of giant monster stories, the
first being Daikaiju!
Giant Monster Tales (Agog! Press, 2005),
which won a Ditmar Award for Best Collection.
January 2007, he was a tutor at Clarion South -- the
intensive "boot camp" for writers.
currently lives with his partner Cat
Sparks and a number of small-c cats on the Illawarra
Coast and earns a crust as the Graphic Design/Publications
Coordinator of the Faculty of Commerce at Wollongong
likes reading (obviously), listening to music, watching
SF and horror movies (as well as the occasional TV show,
such as the new Battlestar Galactica
and Afterlife, especially when they
are on DVD), attending SF conventions and -- well, writing
weird stories. He's a fan (some might say an obsessed
fan) of giant monsters, zombie flicks, Japanese horror
films, weird facts and strange tales, the internet,
interesting genre Tv shows, cats, the sound of the ocean
(which he can no longer hear from his bedroom), and
the music of Jethro Tull.
house he shares with Cat is full of books, pictures,
movies and strange artefacts. And lots and lots of little
to Rob at PO Box U302, University of Wollongong, NSW
2522 Australia. Or email him at the address shown below.

Robert Hood