Zombie Kings

This short take on the zombie apocalypse — using stylised green-screen techniques to create semi-animated SFX spectacle — looks both bizarre and hilarious.

Zombie Kings: The King of the Zombies (US-2008; dir. Paul Steiner)



Mad Dr ‘D’ has the city of Z-Town overrun by Zombies. However, a small band of professional Zombie Fighters is laying waste to these infected undead pests. Taunted by the media and hypocrite politicians, the outraged Doctor is aided by his comical sidekick, who develops a new Zombie Virus that creates a giant super-Zombie. The new creature wreaks havoc on the city, destroying the fighters, cars, buildings and even the mayor. But within the fighters and citizen refugees, a special bond is formed, and a secret is revealed that could be the only hope for mankind to stop the monster. Zombie Kings: The King of the Zombies is a story of heroism, loyalty, self sacrifice, hot chicks, giant Zombies, blood and guts, car crashes and explosions, and high flying Jet pack action.

Daikaiju zombies! Excellent.

The short film premiered on 23 October 2008 at the American Zombie Horror Film Contest, where it was an official selection.

Director Steiner has recently posted the trailer to his YouTube Channel, so perhaps this indicates an imminent DVD release. In the meantime the fact that The King of the Zombies is designated as Episode One means we can look forward to a continuation. Perhaps Zombie Kings will end up being a feature-length film.

This entry was posted in Apocalypse, Film, Giant Monsters, Humour, Independent film, Zombies. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Zombie Kings

  1. Avery says:

    I’m glad you liked it Rob! A daikaiju-sized zombie!? Now that’s awesome!!

  2. Jeff Ritchie says:

    Avery that isn’t awesome as it will totally distract Rob from his primary role of writing stories, novels, etc for his demanding fanbase. Rob stop watching this short over and over again and go write something!

    (Actually it’s a pretty cool concept).

  3. Avery says:

    Oh, my bad. Shame on you Rob! You should be writing now!

  4. Backbrain says:

    Actually I’m at work right now, so I shouldn’t be watching zombies OR writing about them.

    However, Jeff, you’ll be happy to hear that during the previous week or so I was on leave writing a slambang zombie tale — and I’m nearly finished it!

  5. Jeff Ritchie says:

    Excellent stuff Rob, if you don’t mind me prying … new story collection on the horizon?

  6. Backbrain says:

    No, not a new collection. Not so soon after “Creeping in Reptile Flesh”. This story is for a secret anthology that I’m not able to talk about publicly yet. If I told you I’d have to send out the zombie hordes to kill you.

  7. Jeff Ritchie says:

    Daikaiju! 4 : Wife of the Giant Zombies …

    You know you want to do it.

  8. Paul Streiner says:

    “Zombie Kings: The King of the Zombies”
    available now on deluxe version DVD

  9. Backbrain says:

    Thanks for that info, Paul. Where can it be found? I went to the website to check, but that doesn’t seem to be running yet.

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