Just when you thought the assorted permutations of cinematic Selachimorpha [aka sharks], post-Jaws, must come to an end, some mad filmmaker always seems to release another one into the wild.
Do We Really Think The Possibilities Are Exhausted?
Okay, no one really thinks there’ll come an end to the mutant sharks, B-grade or otherwise — not yet anyway. After all, the cinematic evolution of creature-features is nearly as endless and imaginative as the work of real-life evolution. We’ve had Monster Shark (from Lamberto Bava’s 1984 film Shark: Rosso nell’oceano), Mega-Shark, Mecha-Shark, Dinoshark, Sharktopus, Sharknados, Swamp Shark, Ghost Shark, Sand Sharks, Two-Headed Shark, Three-Head Shark, Zombie Sharks, Avalanche Sharks (via Sharkalanche), Snow Sharks, Jurassic Shark, Sky Sharks (coming in 2017) — but there’s still plenty of scope, right? The genetic manipulators and gene splicers have lots of tinkering to do. As for me, I’m hanging out for Sharkquito.
Meanwhile, here’s the latest.
Who Is This Then? (After all, every monster has a name…)
Meet Sharracuda, a newly conceptualised creature-feature that brings together shark and barracuda, just to make it even clearer that you’re better off staying out of the water.
Sharracuda is a creature-feature about events that take place in a small coastal town that is suddenly attacked by a giant mutated shark (as tends to happen). Three young metalheads, an unusual priest and a weird marine biologist decide to throw themselves into the pursuit of the creature, using heavy artillery, blesséd weapons and an aggressive attitude. But what is this thing really? Is the monster an aberration caused by pollution, the result of a government experiment, the manifestation of Satan, or a rather impressive CGI creation? Who cares? The hunt is on!
Sharracuda is to be shot in 2016, with live-action filming taking place in both Italy and the UK. It is the directorial debut of director and producer Alan Mancuso.
So what else is interesting about it?
For One Thing, It’s a Heavy Metal Shark!
According to Mancuso, Sharracuda is “an unusual shark movie”, filled with a heavy-rock soundtrack provided by “some of the best underground death metal, hardcore, punk, doom and stoner bands from around the world”. In fact, a while back Mancuso held a contest online as part of his plan to put together a new, original and high-quality heavy metal soundtrack. More than 450 underground metal bands applied, though only 12–15 will appear on the soundtrack.
“A limited edition vinyl [see cover image below] will be produced soon in order to help fund the first scenes of the movie,” Mancuso explained. “The limited edition will be pressed only once, so die-hard fans should keep their eyes open and like our FB page to keep updated.”
Check out the Facebook page here.
One of the bands who auditioned is Kamensko, and here’s their latest EP, newly released. You can listen to it, buy it and download it here. It’s rather excellent, I thought.
Application videos from Kanensko and other bands can be viewed on the film’s FB Page.
So Who Wants To Be Eaten by a Mutant Shark?
Well, Mancuso and Sharracuda are looking for anyone interested, with a focus on UK residents.
We’re looking for actors and extras. Casting Call is for all ages metalheads, any gender.
If you have acting experience or if you just think you may have the guts you can also apply for one of the three main roles: The main character is skinny, have long hair, typical thrasher. Think of a young Dave Mustaine. The other two supporting characters must have an interesting face, they should be character actors, overweight are ok, beards are welcome, long of short hair is irrilevant. Think a couple formed by a young Phil Anselmo and a nerd, a young Brian Posehn is a good reference. All of the three: 20-28 years old. Send pictures, showreels, resumes or just a couple of lines to casting@cineaura.com
Who Is This Alan Mancuso anyway?
Sharracuda director and producer Alan Mancuso has worked since 2004 as a casting director, creating commercials for Dior, Volvo, Hallmark, and others of a similar ilk. One day he had a moment of epiphony and decided to start his own feature-length movie. Being an avid b-movie fan — from Euro Trash and Italian sleaze films to American exploitation and creature-feature flicks — his immediate impulse was to embrace his inner monster. Among his favorite genre directors, he says, are Enzo Castellari, Joe D’Amato, Sergio Martino, and Antonio Margheriti aka Anthony Dawson (see sample posters below). With Sharracuda, Mancuso is eager to mark the rebirth of the Italian horror and exploitation genre. Other projects are already in the works.
Sounds promising, right?
A Poster Gallery of Italian Exploitation
- Enzo Castellari’s Shark Hunter
- Joe D’Amato’s Anthropophagus
- Sergio Martino’s Slave of the Cannibal God
- Antonio Margheriti’s Alien From The Deep
- Antonio Margheriti’s Web of the Spider
- Source: Alan Mancuso and CineArua Pictures, via Avery Guerra. Facebook page. Official website.
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Well, this just means that Sharkando 3: Sharracuda should be in the works. I am an advocate. Long live sharknado.
Great Articles !! its frightening “ENTER IN WATER AT YOUR OWN RISK” watched the video too…
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