Up for sale on eBay is evidence of what Jan de Bont’s unmade American Godzilla movie might have been like, if the job hadn’t be passed on to Roland Emmerich, in a studio-led decision that left fans torn between despair and anger. Up for auction is the Stan Winston Studio’s maquette for the proposed film. It measures 43 in. tall x 63 in. long (head to tail) and has a rather high asking price.

You can check out the auction details here.
I know what Rob wants for Christmas, and possibly several birthdays as well.
You wouldn’t be wrong, that’s for sure. But I know many are just hoping it will be bought by someone who will take care of it and keep it available to the public and fans through some sort of open collection or museum. Not only is it a beautiful work of sculpture, but it represents a significant artifact of cinematic history. I’ve already heard of a movement to convince one of the model-making companies to produce a quality replica.
That thing is five flavors of awesome.
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Moses, it was up for sale on eBay some time ago now. Neither the information page nor the sale notice is up any more, by which I assume someone bought it. From memory the asking price was several thousand dollars.
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Damn you Roland Emmerich and Devlin!!!!
Interestingly, the current issue (#85) of G-Fan has a reasonably friendly interview with Roland Emmerich. A bit of an olive branch from Godzilla fandom perhaps?
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