Have I mentioned that Cat Sparks does things to my head?

Actually she was showing me her new work computer — and the grosser capabilities of a program called Photo Booth.
Reminds me of the orgy scene from Brian Yuzna’s Society (1989) — though that was done with make-up and prosthetics. Or those creepy moments from the original Japanese Ring, where pics taken of Sadako’s next victims come out eerily distorted.
I truly enjoyed watching you both “become one flesh”;0)
This is so totally John Carpenter’s THE THING…ahhh…true love.
I don’t know if you’ve seen this: Godzilla vs GINO*. I think it might appeal to the purists, and it also demolishes a well-known landmark. 🙂
*”Godzilla” In Name Only
Mr Teufel, sir, there doesn’t appear to be a link included in your post. The reference to Godzilla vs GINO looks like a link, but even in HTML mark-up format, there’s no URL.
Huh. HTH.
Ah, yes, a classic moment from Godzilla Final Wars. It got a rousing cheer when I saw the film at the Melbourne Film Festival.
The Japanese have been making a habit of taking the piss out of GINO ever since Godzilla (1998) proved to be so lame, despite a big budget and massive hype. Godzilla 2000 Millennium — the first to appear after GINO — had some similarities to the general scenario and made a clear statement: “THIS is how Godzilla should be.” Then Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack had an early scene in a military “lecture” where one student says something to the effect of: “I heard that Godzilla attacked New York a few years ago.” And another relies: “That’s what the Americans claim. But our experts don’t think it was Godzilla.”