Reptisaurus: Ask the Director, Chris Ray

Reptisaurus poster

Got any questions you’d like to ask the director of the new giant monster flick Reptisaurus?

Chris Ray has kindly offered Backbrain readers the chance to delve into the production and to satisfy their curiosity as to the film, where it came from and What It All Means.

Leave your questions as a comment here.

If you haven’t been keeping up with the production, check out the previous Backbrain links.

NEW! The official website for Reptisaurus has just been activated.

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29 Responses to Reptisaurus: Ask the Director, Chris Ray

  1. Avery says:

    Hi Chris!! I just want to know; were you passionate about this film? Did you have fun filming it? Last but not least; Did you put your all into it? That’s all I really need to know.

  2. Backbrain says:

    I have a question, Chris. In what form is “Reptisaurus” being released? Festivals? Theatrical run? SciFi Channel? Straight to DVD?

  3. BRY says:

    Hi Chris, nice of you to take the time to do this. A couple of questions for you; first, why Reptisaurus and not Reptilicus (the creature and comic book that sort of “begat” Reptisaurus? Also, did you, or would you, consider the other title characters from Charlton Comics companion giant monster comics, Gorgo and Konga?

  4. Lee says:

    I like what I’ve seen so far. Great job! I was wondering how you got Gil Gerard to a part of the cast for this film?

  5. Chris Ray says:

    I can answer your question with a simple yes. I love movies, I have grown up around them. With my father raising me on the set of many a film I grew to love the atmosphere.

    I understand alot of people are worried that I had no feeling for this project but this is far from the truth. This is the first time I get to direct a full length feature film. I wanted to show people that I can do this. NO MATTER WHAT THE BUDGET!!!!

    So Avery, for the last part of the question, I put everything I had into this picture. I was the first on the set by 30 minutes to figure out the days shots and I was the last to leave, to make sure I was able to get all the coverage I could.

    Thanks for the Question
    Chris Ray

  6. Chris Ray says:

    You know we are not sure yet. I will say that I don’t think it is going into theaters. What I do know is that there are things in the works. Once I know the details I will pass them on. Sorry I could not answer this question more effectively.

    Chris Ray

  7. Chris Ray says:

    You know what, I have no idea at this moment. This film for my first was a hell of an undertaking. When you are working with actors who have never done anything like this and a first time director. Things get a little hairy.

    Would not mind doing another film like this. I have already had a chance to figure out ways I could have improved my coverage. Besides these films are so much fun. Once the monster is in place you get to see how the actors’ reactions were either right on or they could have been a little better. But with a film like this we were just hoping to have decent actors and hopefully for myself, do my part.

    Thanks for the question
    Chris Ray

  8. Chris Ray says:

    Well I would have to say thanks to my pops for that. He talked with Gil about it. Sent him the script, he liked the role and…… BAM! he’s on set.

    This had to be one of the greatest experiences for me. My first feature and I am working with an actor I have seen on TV growing up. He was a great guy to work with.

    He knew I was a first time director but gave me the respect and professional courtesy of a pro. This to me was a sign that I was doing a decent job.

    Well, I hope everyone is enjoying the PR this film is generating. I for one had no idea we would be getting the response that we are. Thank you.

    Christopher Douglas-Olen Ray

  9. Michael Lambert says:

    Your Monster is good, your actors were good (Made me laugh actually)
    but please tell me there will be no topless chick running through the film for no reason!!?

  10. Chris Ray says:

    There will be no nudity in this film. I am actually taking a different approach in my films than my father has over the past years. This just does not work for me. If we were to add nudity to this film, it would limit the areas we could try and sell it in.

    Thanks for the question
    Chris Ray

  11. Jeremiah Campbell says:

    Hey Chris,

    The buzz on this flick is really good. I find myself googling it everyday to see what is new with it. I can’t wait to see the finished product.

    My two year old daughter makes me show her the trailer no less than 3 times a day. She has taken to calling Reptisaurus (the creature) “Daddy’s Monster.” But it sounds cuter when she says it!

    Hope all is well!

  12. Backbrain says:

    Jeremiah, it’s one of the great things about the internet and the community it fosters that a small independent film like this — which may not get theatrical release — can create this sort of buzz — without expensive PR and big studio blitz-publicity campaigns. Not everything is “The Incredible Hulk”, but much of it deserves to be known, and seen, by those who enjoy the genre.

    I hope all goes well with “Daddy’s Monster”, which is pretty cute whoever says it. 🙂

  13. Pingback: TarsTarkas.NET Blog » Reptisaurus Trailer

  14. Larry Arpin says:

    Hi Chris

    First of all, the trailer looks great. Hope you do well with it. Secondly, how’s your dad? It’s been years since I’ve seen him. Tell him I said ‘hello and wish him well.’ If he doesn’t remember, tell him I worked for David Hewitt in his optical business.

  15. Michael Lambert says:

    Where’s the film? thought it be out by now. has this film ran out of money and tanked or are we going to see this. tried to checkout your release date, post facts and actors on imdb, nothing. this forums host says he thinks that no one bothered to do this. Is this a private film festival thing or a professional project? the trailers on youtube now so just wondering.

  16. Frank Forbes says:

    Hi Michael, I spoke to the Director Chris Ray recently. The film will be released soon. It was a great opportunity to work this project and also meet Chris’s father Fred and ofcourse Veteran Actor Gil Gerard. No this isn’t a big budget film, none the less it is professionally put together. It’s not uncommon for films to debut in film festivals and later be distributed on DVD, such as El Muerto “The Dead One” or Steve Bescemi’s “Lonesome Jim”. As far as how it’s recorded? I’m sure all the actors who worked this film expect to see this on IMDB soon. After all the work that went into this, including the CGI guys, I would expect no less. As I say, I’m not the Director or the Producer, but I care enough about this project to try to offer some reply to your questions. Will this be in a film festival? I don’t know, I don’t think so. This was a fun film to work though, and will likely be equally fun to watch…:)

  17. Backbrain says:

    Thanks for those comments, Frank. It’s great the way many of those involved in the film have come here to talk about it — and the general feeling toward the experience is clearly positive. Tell me, what was your involvement?

  18. Frank Forbes says:

    I play the role of Dr. Stevens, the scientist who co-created Reptisaurus with his fledgling collegue, Dr. Ann Carr. If you view the trailer, I’m the guy with the glasses and lab coat who comments on the creatures vorateous appetite…;)

    As I say it was a fun film to make, hope to do another one..

  19. Chris Ray says:

    Hey guys,
    Alright here is as recent an update as I can give. The film is with the audio department. Once the track is layed down the film will be finished. We are sorry for the long delay. The film is not intended for festivals and we are hoping to get it out in the market. As for the IMDB I myself have submitted it about 5 times. The site wont take it. They say we have no proof. Which I dont understand since it is all over the net and the trailer is up.

    Hope this answers most of the recent questions

  20. Backbrain says:

    Re: IMDB. That is very strange. They have all sorts of dodgy stuff up there, some of which has much less “proof of existence” than “Reptisaurus”. Perhaps they only accept pre-release information from major studios and are waiting for the actual release. Either way their attitude seems less than useful. You have a website, a trailer, pre-publicity and a heap of interest net-wide. Presumably your father’s word would count for something, not to mention the involvement of Gil Gerard. Ah, the mysteries of IMDB!

  21. Billy Bob says:

    What was it like working with Annmarie Lynn Gracey I am a big fan. The trailer looks Great!! cant wait to see the finished product!!

  22. Billy Bob says:

    Hi Chris, how was it working with Annmarie L Gracey? Im a big fan of her, great job on the trailer, cant wait to see the finished product!!!

  23. Chris Ray says:

    Hey Billy Bob,
    She was great to work with. She was a trooper. I would have to relate to the first day of shooting in Malibu. She had to lay down in the sand with a short skirt on and have waves crash down on you. Mind you this is 4 days before Christmas. So ya she was great and a hellava trooper.

  24. Backbrain says:

    Chris, how are negotiations going for release of the film? There’s people here that want to see it! Okay, I know you answered this a week ago! But I’m impatient. 🙂

  25. Frank Forbes says:

    OUTSTANDING!! Reptisaurus is now listed (TV) with IMDB! 😉

  26. Chris Ray says:

    I am not completely in that loop. All I do know is that there are talks going on. There seems to be alot of intrest. Hoping it stays that way.LOL

  27. Rob Morten says:

    Will we see it on the sci fi channel? have you had a screening yet.

  28. Chris Ray says:

    For those that are interested Rep will be released in Japan on June 10 under the name Sky Fighter.

  29. Avery says:

    Any updates on it’s release here in the U.S. Chris? Has it locked a distributor yet? Is it known yet if it will be shown on the “SyFy” channel? We’re all still just dying to see this film!!

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