The Week on Undead Brainspasm

[… well, a bit more than a week…]

Monkey Magic (3 Feb 2009)

  • Information on Monkey Magic (Japan-2007; dir. Kensaku Sawada)

Monster Fight From Outlander (28 Jan 2009)

  • A fight sequence from the now-released-in-the-US Vikings vs Alien Monster film Outlander (US-2008; dir. Howard McCain)

Update: Sacrifice (27 Jan 2009)

  • First official poster and the latest on Sacrifice (US-in pre-production; dir Bob Nelson)

Giant Monster Birds (21 Jan 2009)

  • Information on and trailer for Flu Birds [aka Flu Bird Horror] (US-2008; dir. Leigh Scott)
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1 Response to The Week on Undead Brainspasm

  1. Mr Teufel says:

    You might find this blog entry amusing, dealing as it does with cooking giant monsters.

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