Jeff Leroy’s alien giant rat invasion film, Rat Scratch Fever, is nearing completion. The film tells the tale of an army of giant, mutant rats — brought back from space on a returning Earth spaceship — that causes death and destruction for Los Angeles and the world.

Featuring Jeff Burr (director of many B-flick sci-fi horror films, such as Pumpkinhead 2: Blood Wings, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, Puppet Master 4 and 5 and other genre sequels, not to mention episodes of the TV show Land of the Lost), and a strong cast of genre and straight-to-video independent films, it looks like it will be a real monster-rampage hoot. Even better is the fact that Leroy is a self-confessed fan of daikaiju eiga and previous films, such as Creepies and Creepies 2 are sufficient evidence of that. Something of that aesthetic has to creep into Rat Scratch Fever (great title, by the way, Jeff!).
Kaiju Search-Robot Avery has obtained a gallery of new images from director Leroy. Enjoy!

- Peek-a-boo!
- Close up and personal
- New Official Poster
- Don’t give a rat’s ass
- In White House news
- Sonja’s great escape
- Say “Cheese”!
- Today in the News
- Reinforcements
- Red Eye (with a glimpse of the rats’ home planet)
- War of the Rats
- It’s twins!
- Eyes without a face
- Stuck in traffic
- Source: Jeff Leroy via Kaiju Search-Robot Avery
- Previous Backbrain article
This film just couldn’t look any cooler!! It’s on my must see list of ’09. Who wouldn’t want to see giant mutant rats from space get blown to bits by Tohoesque weaponry?? Giant rats and plenty of cheese. Too fun!!
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