Retro genre films seem to be on the rise. We’re not talking remakes here, but rather films that deliberately take on the aesthetic and narrative characteristics of past B-film types, usually for humorous effect. One example that springs to mind is Monster From Bikini Beach; another is The Ghastly Love of Johnny X. Then there’s Alien Trespass. The retro craze covers everything from 30s black-and-white monster flicks right through to 1980s teen horror musicals.
One of the most impressive-looking I’ve come across lately is Max Neptune and the Menacing Squid (directed by Colin Fleming and John Garside). Described as a “throwback to the scifi serials of the 40s and 50s”, this film references such space heroics as those of Flash Gordon and Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen.
Max Neptune and the Atomic Space Patrol face their biggest threat ever. The evil genius Dr Agotch has build his greatest creation, a giant mechanical Menacing Squid! Agotch forces Max to make a choice – save a spaceship filled with ambassadors from all over the galaxy or save Atomic Space Patrol’s Mara Shore. Mara and Max both know he must save the ambassadors. Meanwhile, Agotch tries to claim the peaceful city of Whittier as his own … by force!
And here’s a rather nicely exciting “chase” sequence:
Below are some images from the film, as well as promotional artwork.
- Alternative poster
- Keaton Shyler as Mara Shore getting attacked by a squid thing
- Curt Clendenin as Max Neptune
- Taking a shot
- David Pond as Space Transport Captain
- Michael Ornelas as Dr Agotch
- Squid thing at the controls
More can be found on the official website.
Source: via Kaiju Search-Robot Avery
WOW what a fun looking film!! I’m lovin’ the look of that “Menacing Squid” villain. Actually the entire look of the movie is very cool and quite impressive. Hopefully we’ll get to see more on this beauty.
I also think it looks very cool. Better than that Flash Gordon series they had recently.
“Max Neptune and the Menacing Squid” is finally finished, after 4 years of dedication. June 5th is the (free) premiere at the Whittier Village Cinema. If you want tickets, please email: your full name, your email address, and how many you need reserved. Here is the latest trailer for your viewing entertainment, and thank you for mentioning us on your site in the first place!
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