Sucker Punch Hits the Blogsphere


Director Zack Snyder (of the Dawn of the Dead remake and, more pertinently as it happens, Watchmen and 300) has hit on a winner here, I reckon. Sucker Punch not only sports an somewhat off-beat scenario, but from all appearances manages to incorporate into the mix a bevy of beautiful women (dressed in gear straight out of Japanese tokusatsu films, and wielding guns and katana with stylish abandon), giant robots, crashing airships, post-apocalyptic landscapes, assorted scifi tropes and a rather impressive dragon.




Against the background of the 1950s, Babydoll is confined to a mental institution by her stepfather, who intends to have her lobotomised in five days. While there, she imagines herself into an alternate reality to hide her from the pain, and in that world, she begins planning her escape. Five objects hold the key to escape.

Snyder describes it as “Alice in Wonderland with machine guns”.



The trailer, which premiered at the July Comic-Con, reveals a film that is an effects showcase, exploding with big-concept action, digital landscapes and comicbook fantasy — an approach that is rapidly becoming the director’s signature style.


Sucker Punch boasts a pair of Aussies, too — Melbournite Emily Browning as Baby-Face and Abbie Cornish as Sweetpea — along with Jamie Chung, Vanessa Hudgens, Carla Gugino and Jena Malone. Below are the rather impressive character promo posters.






How can it lose?

The film is currently in post-production, for a March 2011 release.

Sources: Official website; The Vine; via David Carroll

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4 Responses to Sucker Punch Hits the Blogsphere

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Undead Backbrain » Blog Archive » Sucker Punch Hits the Blogsphere --

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  3. Pingback: Sucker Punch, Gemetzel mit Blondinen « 11k2

  4. Sounds wild and this sounds badass as well. Seyfried is a great choice, and the others are all good as well. Can’t wait to see Vanessa show us her bad ass side. Mila Kunis should join up too.

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