Soon to go into production — and starring Nemo (aka “Mister White”) — is Fantom Feline Against the Dragon.
Peter Jackson was set to direct, but when Nemo (who wrote the script) refused to change the title to The Hobbit, Jackson got narky and went back to New Zealand.
Negotiations are underway with Guillermo del Toro, who said that, when it comes to furry feet, he prefers cats to hobbits anyway.
Ummmm…not to suggest disbelief in the authenticity of this report, Rob, but…is that *your* bookcase in the background? Just asking.
My bookshelf? Really, Chuck, are you suggesting I’d make this up? Sure, Nemo comes and visits quite a bit…. actually, yes, that chair is ours and it’s where Nemo wrote the screenplay! As a result the entire movie takes place in our loungeroom. Our set rental fees form a very modest proportion of the projected $150 million budget.
I hope your home and contents insurance is paid up.