The Monstrous Poignancy of Being a Stop-Motion Monster

Apart from sitting in the bath and brooding, what do monsters do once they’re forced into retirement?


Writer/director Harry Chaskin tries to answer that question in his short film, Bygone Behemoth, which will be premiering next month at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Texas.


Bygone Behemoth is a stop-motion animated film chronicling a day in the life of an unemployed B-movie monster,” explained director Harry Chaskin, “a lingering personified special-effect of the 1950s. In an age overrun with CG, I conceived of Behemoth as a tribute to great traditional special-effects artists like Ray Harryhausen and Willis O’Brien. It also features a special appearance by WPIX horror icon, John Zacherle.”


Bygone Behemoth tells the story of a washed-up movie monster reliving his halcyon days.

In an age where computer graphics are all too prevalent, the film is a nostalgic tribute to the work of Ray Harryhausen, Willis O’Brien, and numerous other forgotten wizards. Like the Behemoth itself, the film needs stop-motion to exist; it seeks to capture the ephemeral quality of a dying art form.

Chaskin created the animation and handled the photography, fully involving himself in the Behemoth’s dilemma.



Chaskin was aided in creating the film by Daniel Walter, who composed the music, and Seth Armstrong, who created all the movie posters for the Behemoth’s forgotten 50s films (as seen in the trailer above).

More Monstrous Retirement Activities:



Bygone Behemoth looks like something very special indeed. Hopefully Chaskin will put it up online for all of us to see after it’s done the festival rounds.


Source: Harry Chaskin via Avery; Official website.

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5 Responses to The Monstrous Poignancy of Being a Stop-Motion Monster

  1. Avery says:

    This looks simply beautiful! Hopefully we’ll all get to see this little gem before too long.

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