Watch out! The Muckman’s Here

Earlier this year I reviewed Brett Piper’s latest b-monster epic, the swamp-stained, ooze-splattered Muckman — from a screener copy. I liked it, despite its low-budget limitations, or maybe because of them. Anyway, now I find that my name appears on the the cover of the soon-to-materialise DVD, endorsing its monstrous virtues:

Go read the review if you want to know all about the film — which features a monster with a conceptual relationship to the guy pictured below and who lives a similar life-style, albeit a bit less superhero-connected and without being an acquaintance of Howard the Duck:

At any rate the good news is that Muckman hits DVD this month:

According to distributor Chemical Burn Entertainment, Brett (Drainiac and much else besides) Piper and Mark (Splatter Beach) Polonia’s old school swamp monster movie Muckman is finally going to be released on DVD on September 20th, 2011. Besides the movie itself, the disc will also contain several special features, such as an audio commentary, a behind-the-scenes featurette, a photo gallery and a trailer show.

Muckman is a charming homage to the drive-in classics of yesteryear, which was originally shot in 2009. The film, which was just shown at Germany’s renowned Weekend Of Horror festival a few weeks ago, tells the story of a sensation-seeking TV crew that hunts down a fabled swamp thing-like creature, the so-called Muckman, in the musty mires of Pennsylvania. Featuring a talented ensemble cast including the lovely scream queens Anju (Shock-O-Rama) McIntyre, Alison (Bacterium) Whitney and Danielle (Halloween Night) Donahue, Muckman is jam-packed [more mud-packed, I would’ve thought] with all the ingredients of a highly entertaining retro-fright fest—gruesome rubber-suit monsters, wicked stop-motion critters, accomplished practical effects, likable characters, tongue-in-the-cheek humor and, of course, a slimy, tentacle-draped fiend from beyond the surface!

Here’s the full DVD cover, back and front, which you can study in detail with a flick of the mouse-finger:

So take a look at the trailer, all you swamp-monster aficionados, and start saving your detritus for the big day!

[youtube lcuMRQd55yY]

Addendum: Lest we forget Muckman’s old-school inspirations

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4 Responses to Watch out! The Muckman’s Here

  1. Pingback: Watch out! The Muckman’s Here | Popular Stuff You Need To Know

  2. Brett Piper says:

    This is the first time I’ve seen the finished artwork (which is not what I was led to expect). I like it, and I like your quote. After all they could have used one from another recent review: “Absolute crap!”


  3. Robert Hood says:

    ABSOLUTE crap, eh? If that were true, it would be quite an achievement, given some of the competition. Fortunately, it isn’t.

  4. Steve says:

    First off thanks for all the support of the film. The old school-style poster above is the actual dvd cover as far as I know. I have a proof copy right here. The cover with the brown muckman text was an alternate draft version. Not sure why that is still kicking around but maybe I’m too far out of the loop. I completely wrote, designed and laid out all this artwork by the way, including adding your name Robert. So you can blame me 😉

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