Tag Archives: millennium bug

Millennium Bug Infests DVD

More horrifically excellent news this Halloween as a genre-classic-in-the-making comes to DVD, heralded by great cover art and a fantastic new trailer. The Millennium Bug (US-2011; dir. Kenneth Cran) is a dark, raging powerhouse of a movie — an independent … Continue reading

Posted in Daikaiju, Exploitation films, Film, Giant Bugs, Giant Monsters, Godzilla, Horror, Independent film, News, Posters, Trailers, Update | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Building the Millennium Bug

Here’s the newly released official poster for The Millennium Bug (US-2011; dir. Kenneth Cran), the trailer for which premiered on Undead Backbrain a week or so ago: But that’s not all. The folk from The Squire Film Shoppe and No … Continue reading

Posted in Giant Bugs, Giant Monsters, Horror, Independent film, Posters, Update | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Exclusive: First View of The Millennium Bug Trailer

The official trailer for the hillbilly/giant monster/alien bug movie The Millennium Bug (US-2011; dir. Kenneth Cran) has just been released and you can see it first here on Undead Backbrain. Note that it’s totally free of CGI monsters. The filmmakers … Continue reading

Posted in Giant Monsters, Independent film, Trailers, Update | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Millennium Bug In Post-production

The hillbilly/giant monster/alien bug movie The Millennium Bug (US-2010; dir. Kenneth Cran) is close to being ready for submitting to the Cleveland Film Festival, the deadline of which is this coming Tuesday. The final sound mix is done and colour … Continue reading

Posted in Giant Bugs, Giant Monsters, Horror, Independent film, Monsters in general, Update | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments